Inference for Step-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Test Model with an Adaptive Type-I Progressively Hybrid Censored Data
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May 1, 2020
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Showkat Ahmad Lone
Saudi Electronic University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ahmadur Rahman
Aligarh Muslim University, India
Tanveer A. Tarray
Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir, India
Consider estimating data of failure times under step-stress partially accelerated life tests based on adaptive Type-I hybrid censoring. The mathematical model related to the lifetime of the test units is assumed to follow Rayleigh distribution. The point and interval maximum-likelihood estimations are obtained for distribution parameter and tampering coefficient. Also, the work is conducted under a traditional Type-I hybrid censoring plan (scheme). A Monte Carlo simulation algorithm is used to evaluate and compare the performances of the estimators of the tempering coefficient and model parameters under both progressively hybrid censoring plans. The comparison is carried out on the basis of mean squared errors and bias.
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