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J. Suganthi I. Paulraj Jayasimman


The Recent studies have shown the practicality and usefulness of decentralized paradigms in the context of designing
Urban Drainage Networks for meeting present and future objectives for sustainability and resilience. However, there isn't a single,
comprehensive framework that can be used right away. In order to list all conceivable combination of outlet candidates and the related
layouts in the Urban Drainage Networks, this is achieved by combining a unique deterministic graph-theory-based layout generator
with a deterministic multi-objective combinatorial optimization. By dividing a big, completely centralised network into many smaller
branches, the strain on the centralized pipes is redistributed, leading to more economical alternatives. Urban Drainage Network layout
characteristics including the length area index (LAI), average reliability index (ARI), and negative slope index (NSI) are optimized
using a novel hybrid optimisation model called the Archimedes Search and Rescue Optimisation Algorithm (ASROA).The ASROA
model is a conceptual combination of the search and rescue optimization method (SAR) and the basic Archimedes optimisation
algorithm (AOA). The fascinating physics concept known as Archimedes' Principle provided the impetus for developing this AOA
model. It simulates the notion that an object's buoyant force, whether fully or partly submerged, is proportional to the weight of the
displaced fluid. The Search and Rescue (SAR) optimization technique is presented in this study as a solution to restricted engineering
optimization problems. This metaheuristic algorithm simulates human exploration and search and rescue activities. This layout
parameter optimization is significantly reducing the computational effort.

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