Testing The Casual Relation Between Sunspots And Temperature Using Wavelets Analysis
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May 1, 2005
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Abdullah Almasri
Department of Statistics, Lund University, Sweden
Ghazi Shukur
Departments of Economics and Statistics, Jönköping University and Växjö University
Investigated and tested in this article are the causal nexus between sunspots and temperature by using statistical methodology and causality tests. Because this kind of relationship cannot be properly captured in the short run (daily, monthly or yearly data), the relationship is investigated in the long run using a very low frequency Wavelets-based decomposed data such as D8 (128 - 256 months). Results indicate that during the period 1854-1989, the causality nexus between these two series is as expected of onedirectional form, i.e., from sunspots to temperature.
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