LQ-Moments for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis: A Case Study for the North-Bank Region of the Brahmaputra River, India
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The LQ-moment proposed by Mudholkar, et al. (1998) is used for regional flood frequency analysis of the North-Bank region of the river Brahmaputra, India. Five probability distributions are used for the LQmoment: generalized extreme value (GEV), generalized logistic (GLO) and generalized Pareto (GPA), lognormal (LN3) and Pearson Type III (PE3). The same regional frequency analysis procedure proposed by Hosking (1990) for the L-moment is used for the LQ-moment. Based on the LQ-moment ratio diagram and |Zidist| -statistic criteria, the PE3 distribution is identified as the robust distribution for the study area. For estimation of floods of various return periods for both gauged and ungauged catchments of the study area, regional flood frequency relationships are developed using the LQ-moment based PE3 distribution.