
Quantile Regression: On Inferences about the Slopes Corresponding to One, Two or Three Quantiles

Rand R. Wilcox (University of Southern California, United States)
Kathleen Costa (University of Southern California, United States)


Comparative Power Of The Independent t, Permutation t, and WilcoxonTests

Michèle Weber (Private Scholar, United States)
Shlomo Sawilowsky (Wayne State University, United States)


Aligned Rank Tests for Interactions in Split-Plot Designs: Distributional Assumptions and Stochastic Heterogeneity

T. Mark Beasley (University of Alabama at Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Bruno D. Zumbo (University of British Columbia, Canada)


A Comparative Study of Bayesian Model Selection Criteria for Capture-Recapture Models for Closed Populations

Ross M. Gosky (Appalachian State University, United States)
Sujit K. Ghosh (North Carolina State University, United States)


Covariate-Adjusted Constrained Bayes Predictions of Random Intercepts and Slopes. Sujit Ghosh is a

Robert H. Lyles (Emory University, United States)
Reneé H. Moore (University of Pennsylvania, United States)
Amita K. Manatunga (Emory University, United States)
Kirk A. Easley (Emory University, United States)


Beyond Kappa: Estimating Inter-Rater Agreement with Nominal Classifications

Nol Bendermacher (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Netherlands)
Pierre Souren (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Netherlands)


Multiple Regression in Pair Correlation Solution

Stan Lipovetsky (GfK Custom Research North America, Minneapolis, United States)


Quel Test for Two Linear Restrictions in the Nonlinear Models

Krishna K. Saha (Central Connecticut State University, United States)


The Comparison of Model Selection Criteria When Selecting Among Competing Hierarchical Linear Models

Tiffany A. Whittaker (The University of Texas at Austin , United States)
Carolyn F. Furlow (Georgia State University, United States)


On The Expected Values of Distribution of the Sample Range of Order Statistics from the Geometric Distribution

Sinan Calik (Firat University, Turkey, Turkey)
Cemil Colak (Inonu University, Turkey, Turkey)
Ayse Turan (Firat University, Turkey, Turkey)


Approximations to Power When Comparing Two Small Independent Proportions

Michael Vorburger (JMP Division, SAS Institute, United States)
Breda Munoz (JMP Division, SAS Institute, United States)


Improved Confidence Intervals for the Difference between Two Proportions

James F. Reed III (Christiana Care Hospital System, Newark, Delaware, Sweden)


Robustness to Non-Independence and Power of the I Test for Trend in Construct Validity

John L. Cuzzocrea (Wayne State University , United States)
Shlomo Sawilowsky (Wayne State University, United States)


Which Is the Best Parametric Statistical Method For Analyzing Delphi Data?

Hiral A. Shah (St. Cloud State University, United States)
Sema A. Kalaian (Eastern Michigan University, United States)


The Bootstrap Method for the Selection of a Shrinkage Factor in Two-stage Estimation of the Reliability Function of an Exponential Distribution

Makarand V. Ratnaparkhi (Wright State University, United States)
Vasant B. Waikar (Miami University, United States)
Fredrick J. Schuurmann (Miami University, United States)


Bias in Stabilized Sieve Sampling

Liming Guan (University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States)
John P. Wendell (University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States)


Some Estimators for the Population Mean Using Auxiliary Information Under Ranked Set Sampling

Walid A. Abu-Dayyeh (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)
M. S. Ahmed (Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, Oman)
R. A. Ahmed (Yarmouk University, Jordan)
Hassen A. Muttlak (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia)

Bayesian Inference on the Variance of Normal Distribution Using Moving Extremes Ranked Set Sampling

Said Ali Al-Hadhrami (College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman, Oman)
Amer Ibrahim Al-Omari (Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan, Jordan)


Estimating Task Duration in PERT using the Weibull Probability Distribution

Edward L. McCombs (The Charles Machine Works, Perry, Oklahoma, United States)
Matthew E. Elam (Texas A&M University, United States)
David B. Prat (Oklahoma State University, United States)


Industrialization in Animal Agriculture: A Kalman Filter Analysis

Oya S. Erdogdu (Ankara Unıversıty, Turkey, Turkey)
Levent Ozbek (Ankara Unıversıty, Turkey, Turkey)


Applying Census Data for Small Area Estimation in Community and Social Service Planning

Michael Wolf-Branigin (George Mason University, United States)
Hyon-Sook Suh (George Mason University, United States)
Star Muir (George Mason University, United States)
Emily S. Ihara (George Mason University, , United States)


A Socratic Dialogue

Vance Berger (National Institute of Health, United States)


A Heteroscedastic, Rank-Based Approach for Analyzing 2 x 2 Independent Groups Designs

Laura Mills (York University, Canada)
Robert A. Cribbie (York University, Canada)
Wei-Ming Luh (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Province of China)


A Comparison of Maximum Likelihood and Expected A Posteriori Estimation for Polychoric Correlation Using Monte Carlo Simulation

Jinsong Chen (The George Washington University, United States)
Jaehwa Choi (The George Washington University, United States)