
Shifting Goals And Mounting Challenges For Statistical Methodology

Pranab K. Sen (Departments of Biostatistics and Statistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States)


Combining Two Nonparametric Tests Of Location

R. Clifford Blair (Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics College of Public Health, & Jaeb Center For Health Research University Of South Florida, United States)


Some Locally Most Powerful Rank Tests For Correlation

W. J. Conover (College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University, United States)


Power Analyses When Comparing Trimmed Means

Rand R. Wilcox (Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, United States)
H. J. Keselman (Department o f Psychology, University o f Manitoba, China)


Rank-Based Procedures for Mixed Paired and Two- Sample Designs

Suzanne R. Dubnicka (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States)
R. Clifford Blair (University of South Florida, United States)
Thomas P. Hettmansperger (The Pennsylvania State University, United States)


Exact Level And Power Of Permutation, Bootstrap, And Asymptotic Tests Of Trend

Christopher D. Corcoran (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University, United States)
Cyrus R. Mehta (Cytel Software Corporation, United States)


A Measure Of Relative Efficiency For Location Of A Single Sample

Shlomo S. Sawilowsky (Evaluation & Research College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)


An Adaptive Inference Strategy: The Case of Auditory Data

Bruno D. Zumbo (Department o f Statistics, University of British Columbia, Canada)


An Unconditional Exact Test For Small Samples Matched Binary Pairs

Robert A. Malkin (The Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Memphis and The University of Memphis, United States)


Parametric Analyses In Randomized Clinical Trials

Vance W. Berger (Biometry Research Group National Cancer Institute, United States)
Clifford E. Lunneborg (University of Washington, United States)
Michael D. Ernst (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, United States)
Jonathan G. Levine (Lincoln Technologies, Inc., United States)


Hotelling's T2 VS. The Rank Transform With Real Likert Data

Michael J. Nanna (Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Arizona State University, United States)


Six Modifications Of The Aligned Rank Transform Test For Interaction

Kathleen Peterson (Macomb Intermediate School District, Michigan & Oakland University, United States)


Applying Spatial Randomness To Community Inclusion

Michael Wolf-Branigin (Caliber Associates Fairfax, VA, United States)


The Q-Sort Method: Assessing Reliability And Construct Validity Of Questionnaire Items At A Pre-Testing Stage

Abraham Y. Nahm (Management and Marketing Department University of Wisconsin, United States)
S. Subba Rao (Department of Management The University of Toledo, United States)
Luis E. Solis-Galvan (Operations and Technology Management Department Instituto de Empresa, Spain)
T. S. Ragu-Nathan (Department of Information Systems, Marketing, ECommerce & Sales The University of Toledo, United States)


An Error In Statistical Logic In The Application Of Genetic Paternity Testing

Ernest P. Chiodo (Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Wayne State University, United States)
Joseph L. Musial (Department of Internal Medicine, Henry Ford Health System, United States)
J. Sia Robinson (East Side Academy, Detroit, Michigan, United States)


Two Methods To Estimate Homogenous Markov Processes

Ricardo Ocana-Rilola (Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, Granada, Spain, Spain)


Two-Sided Equivalence Testing Of The Difference Between Two Means

R. Clifford Blair (Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics College of Public Health, & Jaeb Center For Health Research University of South Florida, United States)
Stephen R.Cole (Department of Epidemiology Bloomberg School of Public Health The Johns Hopkins University, United States)


The Trouble With Trivials (p > .05)

Shlomo S. Sawilowsky (Educational Evaluation and Research, College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)
Jina S. Yoon (Educational Psychology, College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)


Using The t Test With Uncommon Sample Sizes

Shlomo S. Sawilowsky (Educational Evaluation & Research, College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)
Barry S. Markman (Educational Psychology, College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)


Modeling Strategies In Logistic Regression With SAS, SPSS, Systat, BMDP,Minitab, And STATA

Chao-Ying Joanne Peng (School of Education, Indiana University, United States)
Tak-Shing Harry So (School of Education, Indiana University, United States)


Quantifying Bimodality Part I: An Easily Implemented Method Using SPSS

B. W. Frankland (Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Canada)
Bruno D. Zumbo (Measurement, Evaluation, & Research Methodology, University of British Columbia, Canada)


Asymptotic And Exact Tests In 2 x C Ordered Categorical Contingency Tables With StatXact 2.0 - 4.0

Margaret Posch (Office of the Dean, College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)


Alternatives To Sw In The Bracketed Interval Of The Trimmed Mean

Jennifer Bunner (Wunderman Analytics, Detroit, United States)
Shlomo Sawilowsky (Educational Evaluation and Research College of Education Wayne State University, United States)


JMASM1:RANGEN 2.0 (Fortran 90/95)

Gail F. Fahoome (Educational Evaluation & Research College of Education, Wayne State University, United States)


Generation of Combinations Using Excel

Constantine Stamatopoulos (Fisheries Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy)


JMASM3: A Method for Simulating Systems of Correlated Binary Data

Todd C. Headrick (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, United States)